classes by prof. havstad

All academic classes for which I have acted as instructor are arranged alphabetically below.  Pictures link to syllabi—just click to view and download.  Wherever possible, links to folders containing the full set of readings for each class have also been provided, in the short course description.

There are two expandable menus at the bottom of the page which sort all the classes either by audience (for whom each class has been designed) or by institution (where each class is / was taught).  This is in case you would like to look for "gen ed" classes in particular, or grad classes, or current (University of Utah) classes, etc.  Please feel free to send any further questions to joyceDOThavstadATutahDOTedu

animal minds and morals

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at Oakland University. Readings available here.


This is an undergrad class developed and taught at Oakland University. Readings available here.

case studies and research ethics

This is a grad class developed and taught at the University of Utah. Readings available here.

critical thinking and composition

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at San Diego State University.

ethics and practice of science

This is a grad class co-taught Oakland University.

ethics, reasoning, and study skills

This is an undergrad class supplement developed and taught at San Diego State University.

introduction to ethics in science and engineering

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at Oakland University. Readings available here.

introduction to philosophy

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at Oakland University. Readings available here.

literature, medicine, and the doctor-patient relationship

This is an elective co-developed and co-taught at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.  Readings available here.

natural kinds

This is an undergrad capstone class developed and taught at Oakland University. Readings available here.

normative reform of science

This is an undergrad / grad class developed and taught at the University of Utah.  Readings available here.

philosophy and the environment

This is an undergrad summer school class developed and taught at UC San Diego. Readings available here.

philosophy of biology

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at Oakland University. Readings available here.

research ethics

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at the University of Utah. Readings available here.

technology and human values

This is an undergrad class developed and taught at UC San Diego. Readings available here.

classes sorted by audience...

Gen Ed Classes (GEC)

Upper Division Classes (UDC)

Philosophy Capstone or Grad Classes (PC/GC)

Science Grad Classes (SGC)

Med School Elective (MSE)

...or by institution

Taught at Oakland University (OU)

Taught at San Diego State University (SDSU)

Taught at UC San Diego (UCSD)

Taught at University of Utah (UU)

thanks for visiting!

my cv is here